changes & a book giveaway

This post is for our longtime readers who are probably wondering what happened to the old blog and the old posts that no longer appear. Here's what's going on:
With the start of school and the changes that entail from switching from summer back to schedules, we've also began some changes with bloom! -- both the magazine and the blog. As most you of you probably know, because of time and financial issues, we have cut back the last few issues of the magazine into a mini-magazine. And now, because of these same issues, we have decided to temporarily suspend the magazine publication and switch to more of a webzine format. We hope this is temporary and that the magazine will return to publication sometime in the future.
But for now, we are very excited to announce the new blog and some changes that we're making here. Instead of the posts you previously found by Megan, Joanna, and myself, we will be mostly publishing more of the type of articles you would have found in the magazine, such as interviews, Sister to Sister columns, author profiles, and so on. Each Monday we will feature a new article. (We are very excited about today's first Monday article, so be sure to check back later this afternoon to see it!) On Wednesdays, we will be posting an article from a previous issue of the magazine in order that our new readers can benefit from those articles. And on Fridays, you'll still be able to find the usual Friday Footprints--our favorite links that we've found throughout the week.
If you are a subscriber, you will be receiving an e-mail or letter shortly detailing these changes in full. Thank you for your patience as we've worked out some kinks in the magazine these past few months! We will keep all of our subscribers' addresses so that if the magazine begins again in the future, you will be automatically subscribed. If you'd like your name taken off the list, please let us know.
Also, we still love to receive submissions, so please feel free send us in your articles, poems, and so forth. You can use the contact form found on the link at the top of the page, or, if you prefer, you're welcome to e-mail us
And, to celebrate these changes today, we're having a book giveaway! If you'd like to enter to win Wrestling Prayer: A Passionate Communion With God by Eric and Leslie Ludy, just leave a comment on this post and you will be automatically entered. Comments will be closed this Friday at midnight and a winner will be chosen randomly on Saturday.
grace & peace,
Jessina, Joanna, & Megan


  1. Oooh, I'd love the book! I'm sad that I won't be getting Bloom! in my snail mail anymore, but I'm glad that this wonderful magazine will continue to be published! Keep up the good work!

    p.s. The blog layout is super cute!

  2. I am glad I got one issue. I hope it works out for you to send out the magazines again because it is usually easier for me to find time for non-computer reading. Nevertheless, I will still read all of it!! I am soo happy we still be able to read what would have been in the magazines! C= I was planning on getting that book sometime soon! They Ludy's are awesome authors I have liked everything I have read by them.
    Keep Up the Good Work!!!

  3. Thank you so much for all your hard work- I have really been enjoying your blog. I would love to read the Ludy's latest book!!!
    Blessings :)

  4. Very cool new layout! I'm not a subscriber to the magazine, but I heard about the blog from Do Hard Things and I love it! Thanks, girls, for all your hard work!

  5. Thank you for the website your post have been really helpful! I have heard of Leslie Ludy before and want to read some of her books!

  6. I'd like to get the book. :-) That'd be neat. And thanks!

  7. I love Eric and Leslie's books! I'd love to win!

  8. Oooo...A Ludy book?!?! Sign me up!
    Sorry you're schedules are so hectic you can't keep up with the mag. I still look forward to the new blog posts and articles!

  9. I really liked some of the old blog posts, will you make those available to see again in the future? If that's a possibility, I would love to see that.

  10. Joanna!
    Wonderful changes!
    Glad to know that everything's okay.
    Praying for you girls and Bloom! too.

    Love ya,

    your sis Marie

  11. I would love to get the book- I'm a huge fan of the Ludy's writing! =D

    - Hannah Glenn (

  12. i never got a magazine, but ill continue to look at the blog and articles online. i hope it all works out with you guys and you can start sending out the magazine again!

  13. i would love to be entered- I've heard so much about the Ludys.

    I've gotten 3 issues- thank you! I'm planning to keep up with your website- love the new layout!

  14. I am really looking forward to see the new changes in action! It sounds great. Thanks for all your hard work in making the blog/mag happen.

  15. I am sorry that you are just staying on the web. God willing you will be back in publication soon! I enjoyed the last magazine! I would love to enter in the give-a-way! Thanks for all you do!


  16. You guys have made a great website and magazine. They have been very encouraging!I would love to win the book. I hope that God continues to use you throughout this next year!

  17. Thank you for all that you have done with your magazine and blog!
    I would love to enter for the Ludy's book!
    What a great ministry!

  18. I recently found your blog after reading about it in Do Hard Things.
    I am very impressed - keep it up! :)
    I love books by the Ludys! Set- Apart Femininity, especially, has really helped me make some changes in my life.

  19. Several of my magazine subscriptions have been stopped because of the economy, so don't feel bad! I'm excited about the book. I've read several books by Leslie and Eric!

  20. Don't feel bad! LOVE the Ludy's books.

  21. I'd love the Ludy's latest book also! Love the new layout and look forward to reading your webzine!

  22. you guys are such and encouragement. Thanks for the posts. I hope you are able to get it going strong again.:)

  23. Hi Bloom! Girls,
    I heard from Joanna that these changes were coming and, believe it or not, I was (and still am) excited! I have missionary friends that can now read this great magazine! May God Bless!


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