
Showing posts from August, 2014

Friday Footprints

As many of you (and us!) head back to school or college, or have lots of new changes ahead, here's two favorite findings from this month to encourage you... Advice for Engaged and Newlywed Women {Really All Married Women} by Joy Forney This compilation by Joy Forney is an inspiring and truth-filled read.  Even if you're not engaged or married, this is a good post to read and let soak into your soul. All is Well by Sovereign Grace A friend of mine (Joanna) sent me this song a few weeks ago as I am going through homesickness for Taiwan and missing my Taiwanese kiddos.  It's an all-time new favorite, with words to comfort and remind of His presence and goodness. May He be with you every step of the way as you seek Him, Sisters! Joanna, Krista, Megan, Emily & Victoria

A letter from Joanna

Hello, sisters! Hope your summer was filled with His presence and His workings in your heart and those around you!  I know mine has been, along with some difficulties, yes, but those things are the ones that press me even closer into Jesus.  It's been a crazy, exciting four weeks where God has taken me on adventures in four states and four countries (thus, nothing here on the blog for awhile until today!).  I actually didn't realize it had been four weeks + four states + four countries until I sat down to write.  Then I realized - wow, God has been taking me on a lot of travels lately!  Taiwan:   The end of July I left the island of my heart and headed for the United States.  The hardest goodbyes were telling my little orphan friends that I was leaving and then my rough boys in the village.  I thought for sure my heart would be completely torn out, but we serve and love a wonderful Father who kept me in His arms during these farewells an...