Friday Footprints

A trace of where we've been on the web this week...two ministries and a thought-provoking article:

Gethsemane International
We found out about this ministry last week and have been encouraged and emboldened by the work they are doing for orphans in Kenya. We encourage you also to check out their website, read their updates, and consider praying for this orphanage.

Give Uganda Water
This ministry is working to build clean-water wells in Kiburara, Uganda. They have built three wells so far and are hoping to build more. Because of their work, "waterbourne illnesses are no longer the leading killers in Kiburara."

Half the Sky
An article delving into the struggles women face today across the world--particularly in China and India--and what is needed to right the wrongs that face them. Ultimately, McCulley argues, the gospel message of redemption and reconciliation is needed to battle the women's rights issues of today.
grace & peace,
Jessina, Joanna, and Megan

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