Friday Footprints

A trace of where we've been on the web this week...
Molly Piper just spent a week in El Salvador as a Compassion Blogger documenting the work of Compassion International and meeting her sponsored child. Check out her posts about her trip...and perhaps consider sponsoring a child.
While we're on the theme of missions in places throughout the world, we thought we would direct you to Christina Dickson's blog (who recently wrote for us). She is currently in India taking pictures, documenting stories, and sharing the love of Christ.
A challenging and convicting article by Chris Armstrong published on Christianity Today's website concerning the importance of spiritual biographies and how we should read them.
That's it for this week! We'll be back Monday.
grace & peace,
Jessina, Megan, and Joanna
P.S. If you have any of your own articles or blogs that you'd like to bring to our attention to perhaps be featured in a future Friday Footprints, please feel free to comment or e-mail us!


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