Friday Footprints

A trace of where we've been on the web this week...
Books on Prayer
A helpful and extensive list of all types of books on prayer from the folks at Hearts and Minds Bookstore. (By the way, we finally updated our own resources page over Christmas with some book and website recommendations.)
Try Again This Year
Discouraged for not being able to perfectly keep your New Years resolution? This post from the GirlTalkers reminds us that having some resolutions and getting something done is better than not having any resolutions and never getting anything done. "I may not have completed my to-do list for 2009. But I've done more than if I never tried at all."
Top 40 Books of the Decade
A list of one Christian writer's book recommendations, composed of her favorite 40 books of the past decade. Lots of books to add to one's Amazon wishlist.
We'll be back Monday...
grace & peace,
Jessina, Megan, and Joanna


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