Top Ten: On Poetry

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As we've mentioned before, we've crowned Wednesdays "book days" around here. Some Wednesdays we have book reviews, some Wednesdays we have book giveaways, and, starting today, some Wednesdays we will have top ten lists. Basically, it will be our top ten favorite books in one category. Today we're starting off with poetry!
While poetry may not have the thrill of a novel, the practical advice of a spiritual disciplines manual, or the scientific facts of a non-fiction book, it does have a unique beauty of its own that has the power to penetrate the soul. These are our personal top ten favorite poetry collections (in no particular order). Please feel free to share your own favorites!
-----1 | Why I Wake Early: New Poems by Mary Oliver
-----2 | What the Light Was Like: Poems by Luci Shaw
-----3 | Gerard Manley Hopkins: The Major Works by Gerard Manley Hopkins
-----4 | Rossetti: Poems by Christina Rossetti
-----5 | Rilke's Book of Hours: Love Poems to God by Rainer Maria Rilke
-----6 | New and Selected Poems: Volume One by Mary Oliver
-----7 | Herbert: The Complete English Works by George Herbert
-----8 | A Timbered Choir: Sabbath Poems by Wendell Berry
-----9 | Sailing Alone Around the Room: New and Selected Poems by Billy Collins
-----10 | The Oxford Book of English Verse by various poets


  1. Oh, sorry. I do not really injoy poerty. But I am working on it. :) The books sound good though.

  2. I love poetry! Thanks so much for this list...It's so beautiful and great for quoting and memorizing.
    Zoe: I know what you mean. I used to feel the same way. But, after reading Tennyson for school, that all changed, and now I never have time to read enough!
    Some of my favorites:
    Robert Frost
    Emily Dickinson


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