June: On Our Bookshelves

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Wednesdays are "book days" around here. And since this is the first Wednesday of the month, Megan, Joanna, and I are sharing what's on our to-read lists for this June. Please feel free to share what you're reading this month, as well--we'd love to hear!

1 Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
2 The Call: Finding and Fulfilling the Central Purpose of Your Life by Os Guinness
3 The Story of Art by E.H. Gombrich
4 The Severed Wasp by Madeline L'Engle
5 Paris to the Moon by Adam Gopnick
6 Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God by Francis Chan
7 Lenten Lands by Douglas Gresham
1 Authentic Beauty by Leslie Ludy
2 Start Here by Alex and Brett Harris with Elisa Stanford
3 131 Christians Everyone Should Know by Mark Galli and Ted Olsen
4 Love and Respect by Emmerson Eggerichs
5 Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends by Sarah, Stephen, and Grace Mally
6 Heidi's Children by Charles Tritten (Johanna Spyri's translator)
1 Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold by C.S. Lewis
2 Dug Down Deep by Joshua Harris
3 Strong Women, Soft Hearts by Paula Rinehart
4 Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson
5 The Irrisistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne
6 My Name is Asher Lev by Chaim Potok


  1. I recently finished Authentic Beauty, it is an incredible book! I also would like to read Start Here and Crazy Love.

  2. These books looks great! I have linked you to our teen blog in hopes our teen girls will look you up! Also, I thought my book review blog may interest you... it's readornotread.blogpsot.com and it's all about wholesome reads with teens in mind since I'm the wife of a pastor.

  3. Love this list, great ideas for me! I've been reading Anne of Green Gables, Through Gates of Splendor, My Personal Best, and God's Smuggler.

  4. I just finished Start Here, and I've thought about reading Crazy Love. But my Mom suggested an 800 page book for me to read this summer, and I'm with that at the moment. It's A Patriot's of the United States by Larry Schweikart and Michael Allen. I'm also reading A Conflict of Visions: Ideological Origins of Political Struggles by Thomas Sowell.

  5. Oops! I missed a word in my last comment. I meant to say I'm "busy" with A Patriot's History. Guess I'd better proofread more often.

  6. What delicious books you all are reading! I'll have to check a few of these out. LOVED Authentic Beauty and Start Here.

  7. I'm currently reading "Do Hard Things" and it's really challenging me in my life to raise my expectations up from the low standard the World has set. It's perfectly timed as well, seeing as Summer has given me plenty of free-time to be potentially lazy, but this way I'm sure I'll get lots of good "hard" work done! :)


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