The Traveler's Prayer

Perhaps this is just me, but I often find that when I go on vacation, I somehow inwardly convince myself that my spiritual life can take a vacation as well. But right before my family left home for a two-week trip this past month, I happened upon the "Prayer for Travelers" in the back of The Book of Common Prayer. I quickly scribbled it down on an index card and stuck it inside my journal--literally as we rushed out the door to go to the airport.
I am so grateful I did, for it not only shaped my prayers as we traveled, but it also gave me rich words to consider and dwell upon throughout the trip. These are the words: "O God, our heavenly Father, whose glory fills the whole creation, and whose presence we find wherever we go: Preserve us as we travel; surround us with your loving care; protect us from every danger; and bring us in safety to our journey's end; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."
As I prayed it over and over, I rather accidentally memorized the beginning of the prayer . . . whose glory fills the whole creation, and whose presence we find wherever we go. And as we took hikes and ate leisurely meals and traversed through long museum galleries, these words stuck with me. It became a game of sorts (if you can call it that) as I began to search for hints of glory, for God's presence in the world around me.
And I found myself quite in awe when over and over again, I remembered the words of the prayer and realized anew, God is here. Here in this cafe. Here amidst the swarms of people in a crowded city department store. Here as I stare at yet another painting. Here in all the unlikely places, amidst all the tourists, in jam-packed subways, along bustling city streets, on top of windy sea cliffs. There is no quiet sanctuary, no private room, no great cathedral domes. And yet He is here (and there and everywhere), for his glory fills the whole creation (Isaiah 6:3).
So wherever we go or wherever this summer takes us, whether it be traversing the globe or walking through our neighborhood, may we remember the simple truth that He is here.


  1. Wow. That's really cool. I came across your blog from the book "Do Hard Things." I really like your blog, and admire you for starting something like this!

    Sunshine Girl

  2. Thanks so much for posting this, I find all the stuff you write so helpful, challenging and inspirational.

  3. A perfect way to keep God close on vacation. Thanks so much for sharing. It's cool I came across this because I am on vacation right now, and almost done with my vacation. I've been very bad about doing my summer Bible study. I'd normally put the words "oh well" after that, but no. I'll get up and study as soon as I can. Thanks again for this post, and for this wonderful blog.

  4. I so agree w/ the comment "this wonderful blog", because it definately is wonderful! I also found it from the book "Do Hard Things" and love everything I read on it! Thanks so much!


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