Gracy's Top Five Books on Justice & Modern-Day Slavery

For our Wednesday Book Discussions, Gracy Howard (see 5 Step to Fighting Slavery) is back today to share her top five recommended books on justice and modern-day slavery. Thanks again for sharing, Gracy! And if anyone has any books to add to the list, please leave a comment.
1. The Good News About Injustice by Gary Haugen
Haugen is the president of International Justice Mission, an organization dedicated to delivering victims of slavery worldwide and procuring justice on their behalf. Haugen is a Christian, and his book is a call to action. This is an incredible read, especially if you are seeking to better understand justice and its role in today’s world. It also gives specific tips on how to fight for justice and defend the oppressed.
2. Not for Sale by David Batstone
Batstone is the co-founder of Not For Sale, an organization fighting slavery and raising awareness across the globe. Batstone’s book profiles the most prevalent forms of slavery, and then offers bios and stories from the leading organizations fighting it. Through this book, I first found out about child soldiers in Uganda and the amazing work of NightLight International. It reveals slavery’s faceted, deceiving forms and compellingly shows the work being done to fight it.
3. A Crime So Monstrous by Benjamin Skinner
As a journalist, I am thoroughly impressed with Skinner’s book. This is probably the most detailed, factual, thorough read you can find on slavery. Skinner profiles slavery in countries across the globe, from Haiti to India—giving historical context, talking about abolitionists working in those countries, telling the stories of slaves in that nation, and giving the political/economical background necessary to understand the situation. I admit, it’s a deep and sometimes dry read. But if you truly want to understand what’s going on, this book is an excellent resource.
4. Modern Slavery by Kevin Bales
Bales is the leading expert on modern slavery. His research uncovered the fact that there are approximately 27 million slaves worldwide (according to Bales, this is a conservative estimate). This is his most recent book on slavery, which is why I have posted it; however, all his books are worth looking into. In this book, Bales joins two other writers to give a thorough profile of the modern slave trade, as well as a pro-active plan of action for fighting it. While this book talks about fighting slavery on the political and/or economic level more than the grassroots level, it’s still a good read for any abolitionist.
5. Be the Change by Zach Hunter
Hunter is only 18, but he’s already made his mark on the abolitionist movement. A passionate speaker, founder of the “Loose Change to Loosen Chains” campaign and a dedicated Christian, Hunter has toured with leading Christian bands and spoken for various raising-awareness efforts (including a documentary piece on the film “Amazing Grace”). This book is an inspiring, motivational call to young Christians in America and throughout the world, asking them to throw off apathy and stand up for the oppressed. It offers some practical, useful tips for fighting injustice in your school or community, as well as sharing inspiring stories from other great abolitionists and Christians.
Please note that due to the nature of slavery, some of these books are gruesome and probably not appropriate for those under the age of sixteen, with the exception of the first and last books listed. If you have any question regarding specifics about a book, please feel free to e-mail us.


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