August: On Our Bookshelves

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Wednesdays are our "book days" around here. And today, Jessina and I are sharing what's on our to-read lists for this August. (Joanna is currently with a remote tribe in Panama, and will be throughout August - so I think it's safe to say she's not doing much reading this month!) Please feel free to share what you're reading this month, too - we'd love to hear!
1 Sophie's World: A Novel About the History of Philosophy by Jostein Gaarder
2 Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home by Richard Foster
3 Living the Christian Year by Bobby Gross
4 The Story of Art by E.H. Gombrich
5 Travel Photography Masterclass ed. by Ailsa McWhinnie
6 Confessions by St. Augustine

1 Trusting God by Jerry Bridges
2 So Long, Insecurity by Beth Moore
3 Story: Substance, Style, Structure, and the Principles of Screenwriting by Robert McKee
4 The Invisible Touch: The Four Keys to Modern Marketing by Harry Beckwith
5 Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling by Andy Crouch


  1. I'm so glad to see someone else reading Augustine's Confessions. I find them so simple and yet so profound at the same time!


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