Friday Footprints

A trace of where we've been on the web this week...
An interesting and excellent essay on faith and Christian love, published on the NY Times blog The Stone. It's worth reading! (HT: Steve Lutz)
I'm awfully excited about this - students with a .edu email address get a free year of Amazon Prime. This means free two-day shipping on anything and everything, and lots of other perks as well. And they won't automatically charge you when the year's trial is over!
Facebook seems to keep finding fun new ways to reveal all sorts of information about us. If you don't want the whole world to know that you're at, say, the yogurt shop - here's how to turn Facebook Places off.
This is for pure fun. Josh Harris's amusing comic on what it means to "follow me".
grace & peace,
Megan, Joanna, and Jessina


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