Swim Upstream, But Stay in the Stream

Thanks for your patience as we took a week off. Today we're back and sharing part three of Megan's series that she's compiled from a speech her father gave. If you haven't already, make sure to read the introduction, part one, and part two:

Part I: Think Small, Because Small Changes the World

Part II: Stand on Your Head, Because the World is Upside Down
Part III: Swim Upstream, But Stay in the Stream
The Bible tells how, during the time of the exodus out of Egypt, Moses sent twelve men to scope out the promised land. Ten came back with a daunting report: the land is inhabited by giants, it has high walls, it is heavily fortified. Only Caleb and Joshua dared to offer a dissenting opinion. And if they hadn’t, the Israelites might still be wandering.
This is your heritage.
You come from the bloodline of Joshua and the heritage of Caleb. Don’t stop now.
Be willing to swim upstream, to do things differently, to be that one Joshua voice offering a dissenting opinion and trusting in God.
But I have one word of caution for you: Don’t get out of the stream. Don't spend all of your time within the Christian subculture. There is much work, and great work, to be done in the mainstream world; there is beauty that needs to be added and truth that needs to be brought. But you can’t do it from the sidelines, because the people are in the stream.
Be strong and courageous. Swim upstream – but stay in the stream.
Check back next Monday for Part IV: Don't Miss the Beauty.


  1. I love this message. So many people I know either go with the stream or stay on the sidelines. It is amazing to see the things God uses people to do when they go "upstream, but stay in the stream" I want to do this.

  2. I love this! Can't wait to read the next one =)


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