Conversations | Edition Nine

-Continuing our weekly conversations . . .
The deal: Each Thursday, we announce a question of the week. We seek to ask questions that spark interesting conversations, whether it simply be about books, traditions, spiritual disciplines, more theological matters, or anything related to life in general. You can join in our conversations two ways:
1. Leave a comment with your thoughts!
2. Or, if you prefer, post an answer on your own blog and leave us a link to your post so we can comment and add to the conversation. If you post on your own blog, you are welcome to use the picture above as long as you link back to us somewhere in your post.
This week's question...
We want Bloom! to be a community where we can all talk about things that are important and relevant to us and things that we're going through. With that in mind, is there any topic that you would like to see us address? Is there something you wish we'd do more of or less of? We want to know what you think!

**EDIT** I'm sorry the comment box wasn't working earlier today - but it's fixed now, so come join the conversation and give us your great ideas!


  1. I love the quotations, but I'd love to see more poetry and music reviews. Thanks!

  2. I really enjoy reading the articles about real people dealing with real-life issues in a way that is pleasing to God, such as "Trusting in a World of Fear". I would love to see more of these application and affirmation stories to motivate and encourage all us women to cling to the truth and promises of God as we seek to honour Him with our service and our lives. Thank you for working so hard at providing a source of affirmation, truth and encouragement to a thirsty and needy world!

  3. Oh yes! In addition to Sarah's comment- I've been struggling lately with this in particular. I long for music that is lovely to listen to and lifts my heart unto our King. My world has always revolved around music, but since God took control of my life, I've been frustrated in this area.
    The world is so saturated with attractive yet stale and pointless music. I've got some instrumental hymns and Natalie Grant in my little 'collection', but I'm really at a loss as to where to find more. I'd love hear about more God-centered artists and songs, if there are any that you Bloom Girls enjoy.



  4. Another thought- I'd love to see more Sister to Sister columns.
    But a marvelous job is done with Bloom already, I can't begin to say what a blessing it has been to my life! The ministry of bloom is a dear companion on this sometimes steep path.

    Blessings and prayers,


  5. Im new to Bloom!, so I'm sure i've missed out on alot, but I would like to see things that really relate to things that teens and young women go through in their day-to-day life. I love what you guys are going and I really apreciate it! It helps me alot as a young woman and a Christain.
    Thank you!

  6. Sunshine - Casting Crowns is an AWESOME band choice if you are searching for music with encouraging and challenging lyrics. They recently came out with a new album, "Until the Whole World Hears". You might want to check it out. Hope this helps!

  7. Sunshine- Britt Nicole is a recording artist, and a beautiful Christian. Her music is cool, and her songs often have meaningful lyrics.

  8. I really enjoy all of your posts, but I would also love to see the posts from the old Bloom! blog. (I don't know if that's possible...) I also enjoy reading the semi-fictional stories, too! :)

    -Hannah A.

  9. I agree with Hannah, it would be nice to be able to see the posts from the old blog!
    On the topic of topics I'd like to see you guys address:
    1. Relationships with friends, adults, and people who mean more to us than simple friends--be they boyfriends (assuming we're all girls) or guys who we see as more than friends--and what God says about it, your thoughts on how to maintain healthy, God-pleasing relationships, etc
    2. The sister-to-sister articles (or whatever type you call the "growth=grace+truth+time one) are by far my favorites, reading about the experiences of you guys, or others you find to write these is really helpful and encouraging. I love the quotes too, but the longer articles are what I hope for when I come to the blog :)

  10. i think that this blog needs more on realtionships with guys. and how to handle realtionships with guys in a pure way in this sexually-cultured world.
    other than that, great job on the blog =)

  11. What is the meaning of life?

  12. second on SavyAvy's comment. purity is hard to keep up with, and it seems like everyone just says "guard your heart" or "keep pure" without encouragement on how to go about that. If that's something you guys could tackle, that would be.... really cool.


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