Friday Footprints


A trace of where we've been on the web this week...

Kelli Overturf writes, "When you're faced with days where you have no strength of your own, when God brings opportunities your way that you feel incapable of doing, when you're faced with giants, brick walls, and impossibilities...that's where God's power really breaks through!" Check out Kelli's blog for the rest of this refreshing post.

Noelle, one of our readers, has been working on a project called "Thanks Given" Although the project was originally until Thanksgiving, Noelle has extended the deadline. As believers we should be giving thanks all year long, so I thought that this is a great opportunity to do just that. So head over to Noelle's blog, Seeing Beauty, and join in the thankfulness conversation!

May your weekend be filled with the peace and joy of Jesus!
Joanna, Jessina, and Megan


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