Friday Footprints


Here's a great book resource and a song to remind you of your Savior's great love!

What's a Girl to Read? is filled with over 80 book reviews (and counting!) written by Christian girls. Remember that book an acquaintance mentioned and you weren't sure about? Well, head on over to What's a Girl to Read? and see if has been reviewed yet. And if you just devoured a good book, you can help others find a good read by submitting a review!

One song that has been an encouragement to me (Joanna) especially lately is one from Sovereign Grace called The Look. Here are some of the lyrics:
Forever etched upon my mind
Is the look of Him who died
The Lamb I crucified
And now my life will sing the praise
Of pure atoning grace
That looked on me and gladly took my place

Rejoicing that Jesus took our place!
Joanna, Jessina, and Megan


  1. Je lis à présent «Blue Like Jazz», mais puisque je ne suis pas une fille, je ne vais pas ajouter ce titre à WAG.

  2. I'm lovin' the 'What's a Girl to Read' site. Can't wait to pick up a few of the books I'm seeing. Thanks!


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