Book Giveaway!

The big winner of Hannah Hurnard's classic is...Sunshine!
So, Sunshine, shoot us an e-mail with your mailing address
at and we'll mail you the book shortly!

It's been awhile since we've done a book giveaway, so we figured it was time to do another! See details below...

We're giving away a copy of Hannah Hurnard's amazing classic, Hinds' Feet on High Places! As described on the backcover, "Hinds' Feet on High Places is one of Hannah Hurnard's best known and best loved books: a beautiful allegory dramatizing the yearning of God's children to be led to new heights of love, joy, and victory."

So, if you'd like a chance to win Hinds' Feet On High Places, then please do the following to enter the giveaway:

1. Leave a comment telling us one way you've shown God's love to someone in the past few weeks. This enters you into the giveway one time.

2. If you'd like to be entered into the batch a second time, then subscribe to the blog (see button at right) and let us know that you did so in your comment. Now if you're already subscribed, then let us know and we'll add you a second time as well.

3. And for those of you who'd like to be entered into the batch a third time, post about our book giveaway on your blog or website and leave us a link to your post.

There you have it! The limit is one entry per person per number above (in other words, the most you can enter this giveway is three times - if you do each of the numbers above). Comments will be closed Sunday at midnight and the winner will be announced Monday.


  1. I would absolutely love to enter! This book is on my list of books I would love to read :)
    Seeing and serving others as Christ sees them is a wonderful way to truly show His love to them. When others look at me, I want them to see see His hands and feet.

  2. I am now subscribed :)
    I am also a follower...I wasn't sure which one you were asking for...but I am now subscribed via my email as well.

  3. I posted about the giveaway on my Twitter :) Here's the link:

  4. About a week ago, a friend of mine had a really bad day involving getting pulled over by the police about a car problem she was totally unaware of, the court date being set during her honeymoon and nearly getting in an accident on her way home. I made her some heart-shaped cookies with pink frosting and delivered them to her house for valentines day. It wasn't much, but she really appreciated it! I can't wait to see the stories others post. :)

  5. God has recently laid it on my heart to start visiting an elderly woman that lives across the street from me. Her husband passed away late last year so I took her flowers on Valentine's day and spent some time talking with her =)

    I'm also following your blog! You all have some wonderful and very inspiring posts!

    I posted about this awesome book giveaway on my blog too~

  6. Last night, our church hosted the Watoto Children's Choir from Uganda ( They ate dinner with my family and some other families at our church, then did a show. Our church, which usually can hold about 350 people, was maxed out. There were about 6-700 people there! Through this incredible ministry, I was able to show God's love by helping clean up the meal, set up for the event Monday evening, and host the director at our home last night. During the show, I took care of my little 3 year old brother so my mom wouldn't have to worry about him. He had to go to the bathroom during the middle of the show, and it was quite interesting navigating through hundreds of people to get out of the church to the bathrooms. :) Through simply just caring for my brother and helping the choir in any way they needed, I was able to share the love and hope of Jesus Christ. Yet, I am sure they blessed me far more and I blessed them.

  7. You don't have to enter me in the giveaway, my sister Sarah already has a copy of Hinds Feet on High Places and I have it in audio form.
    I just wanted to let you know how God used this book in my life. I read the book in January of 2010. I found it very encouraging. It led me to the Savior and helped to see areas in my spiritual walk that I was stumbling in.
    Last spring at the suggestion of my sister, I wrote a play adaptation of this book. I didn't even know where God was going to use it. For months it just sat there on my computer. But late last year God opened up a way for it to not only be produced, but also for me to play Much-Afraid! Wow isn't God amazing. I had no idea what God was going to do and then He fulfilled an authors greatest dreams, to have their work produced.
    Again don't bother putting my name in the drawing. I just wanted to tell you what God had done in my life.

  8. I am now subscribed. I have seen God at work all around me recently. In high school - yes I am very young! but I would love to read and own this book - I have noticed some kids sitting by themselves. I wondered why no one sat with them. It wasn't as though they had a disease or anything. I asked my friends if they would come with me to come sit with the lonely girl and they said no. I struggled with this for a long time atching the girl day by day sitting all alone. After praying for God to give me the courage, I got up one day and sat with her. I made a new friend who turned out to have similiar intrests as me and it's all because God had given me the strength and courage to do what was considered weird in high school.

  9. I would like to enter! I've heard a lot about this book and would be excited to get my hands on a copy!
    This morning a young mother from my church wasn't able to find a babysitter for her young son while she was at work. Though I'm in the process of filling out scholarships, I took the day off to help her by watching her son.

  10. I'd love to enter- and I just have to say, I loved reading everyone else's entries.
    God put it on my heart to approach someone in our Church that I knew was hurting. I dreaded it- she seemed to be one of those people that was hard to talk to, but the nudge was persistent, and I relented. And He provided plenty of things to talk about! In the end, He'd brought her someone to confide in, and me a new friend.
    I don't blog anymore, but I still have the account, and I'm a follower of Bloom. :)

  11. Please enter me. I subscribed and I posted about your giveaway

    The other day I shared God's love was to an old friend I saw at the library the other day. She has changed so much and we've grown apart dramatically. Even though she has acted very hypicritical towards me, I still walked up to her to say "hello" despite my seconed thoughts. After talking for a little while, she was apparently have a really bad day and so I talked with her and hugged her before I left. Even though to me it wasn't much, I know God can use the smallest things and turn them into something big for His glory.


  12. About a week ago one of my roommates had a really bad case of the flu. I knew clean dishes (and a clean kitchen) were very important to her, and that she wouldn't have the energy to wash any. So cleaned the kitchen and left an anonymous note by the sink that said "As you wish" like in The Princess Bride (which happens to be one of our favorite movies). In the movie, "As you wish" really means "I love you.") :)

  13. I am also both a subscriber and a follower. :)

  14. At work, one of my friends was really struggling and having a rough day. Early in the shift, she had half-jokingly asked if I would switch shifts with her since hers was longer. I insisted that she let me switch her, and later on that night she told me how appreciative she was.

  15. I'm already a follower--I love Bloom! Thanks for being faithful, you guys are such an encouragement to me!

  16. How amazing! Thank you so much! I just sent the e-mail. :D


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