Wholesome Reading

Books. I can’t seem to get enough of them. As a little girl, I raided the library on a regular basis, often getting frustrated that I had reached my max of checking out books (don’t worry, Mama was pretty nice about letting me use her card, too). I devoured those treasures like I was starving. Occasionally I encountered a book with something inappropriate in it. If that happened, I would set it back in my book bag and commence on another choice. My parents wisely taught me the importance of not just reading books, but reading good books. They instilled in me that every book that is good must have some of the following aspects: character, spiritual “food”, strong morals, a meaningful plot, faith, knowledge, encouragement, clean humor, lessons, inspiration, and many more aspects. Granted, not every book has all of those aspects, but each volume must have some of those, or it is entirely lacking and not worthwhile.

Now, over a decade later, my love of books certainly hasn’t waned; if anything, it’s gotten stronger. The Lord even gave me the opportunity to fulfill a childhood dream of working in a local library. As I sat behind the desk, shelved, and talked with families, I was shocked to see what little seven and eight year olds were digesting via their reading material. I couldn’t imagine allowing a sibling or friend to read such vulgar things!

So, if you’re like me, you're always on the lookout for a book worth reading - a book that is wholesome and pure. And nowadays they can seem pretty scarce, but let me assure you, they definitely aren’t obsolete! Below are some of my recommendations for good reading. The ones in bold would be especially fun as a read-aloud with siblings or friends.

1. A Chance To Die by Elisabeth Elliot
2. Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
3. Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris
4. Girl Talk by Carolyn Mahaney and Nicole Mahaney Whitacre
5. Hinds’ Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard
6. Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder
7. The Lost Art of True Beauty by Leslie Ludy
8. Sister Freaks ed. by Rebecca St. James
9. Trevor’s Song by T.A. Beam
10. Violet's Hidden Doubts by Mission City Press

Now go do some wholesome reading and enjoy a good book!


  1. J'ai lu Do Hard Things par les Harris, ainsi que SHE Teen par RSJ.

    Je n'ai pas lu la traduction francophone de DHT, intitulée Génération Challenge.

    Anne of Green Gables, est-ce un livre du domaine publique?

  2. I'm sooo happy I read this blog! I'm excited to get started on reading these new books you've suggested! I was already going to read Anne of Green Gables cause out of the millions of books i read I haven't started those yet. You are totally right. There is a lot of junk out there but I'm looking forward to reading these new book ideas. <3

  3. I am reading A Chance to Die right now and loving it! I have read a few other books on your list, but I'll have to see if I can find the others. Thanks for the suggestions!

  4. I have loved returning to the Anne of Green Gables books year after year. Though I loved them as a child, I find them so fulfilling as an adult. Years out of my childhood and I still want to be just like Anne :) The romance is sweet and pure, Anne's thoughts and outlook on life are both refreshing and common to so many of my own. These books tell such beautiful stories of faith, friendship, love, and life!

  5. I adore 1,2,3,6,7 and 10, and can't wait to look up the other ones. I agree entirely with you Lily of the Valley. Anne's one of my dearest book friends!

  6. Thanks so much for this post and the list of books! I've already read some of these books, but can hardly wait to read the others on the list. Also, I looove reading, and am so glad you emphasized the great importance of wholesome reading! There is a whole lot of junk out there, but there is also a great deal of books like these that are fun and inspiring!


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