Conversations: Edition Twenty Five


Continuing our weekly conversations...

The deal: Each Thursday, we announce a question of the week. We seek to ask questions that spark interesting conversations, whether it simply be about books, traditions, spiritual disciplines, more theological matters, or anything related to life in general. You can join our conversations two ways:

1. Leave a comment with your thoughts!

2. Or, if you prefer, post an answer to your own blog and leave us a link to your post so we can comment and add to the conversation. If you post on your own blog, you are welcome to use the picture above as long as you link back to us somewhere in your post.

This week's question...

In light of Monday's article by Jessina, what does "Christ increasing, myself decreasing" look like in your life practically?


  1. I wrote a blog post about a year ago almost exactly. I took the liberty to sending an invite to the email address you have up so Here is the link that explains my musings:

    Although, now that you have me thinking on the subject I just may have to write another post based on that verse :)

    Living in the Glow of His Love,
    Maiden Princess

  2. To me, it looks like many things, including the following:

    ~ putting the Lord first in my life
    ~ working as to the Lord and not man
    ~ deferring to others

    And much more!


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