Friday Footprints


A few links to boost your weekend!

It's summertime and perhaps you're looking for a new hairstyle.  If that's the case, check out Locks of Love (LOL), an organization that makes hairpieces (wigs) for children who have lost their own hair due to illness.  Not only would donating your hair to LOL give you a different, cooler-for-summer hairstyle, it'd also show God's love in a tangible way to children around the country!  So head on over to LOL and learn more!

Set Apart Girl's July/August issue is out, filled to the brim with encouraging, fun, and thought-provoking articles on everything from standing for life and dressing with dignity to furthering your relationship with Jesus and time wasters.  So head on over and prepare to be blessed, encouraged, and challenged!

Have a beautiful weekend with Jesus!
Joanna, Jessina & Megan


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