Set Apart Girl Magazine

Recently as I was reading Leslie Ludy's magazine, Set Apart Girl, I came across a very good article.  Written by an anonymous Christian guy, Godly Guy/Girl Interaction, is something that we, as believing young ladies, need to read.  Far too often, instead of listening to a Biblical perspective on guys and relationships, we let the world tell us what we "need" to know.  But like Proverbs is always talking about, we need to be wise and not listen to worldly advice.  Instead, we should be taking in things that line up with Scripture, like this article.

He says, "I, though just a warrior-poet-in-the-making, have a few complaints of my own that I'd like to level at a grotesque monster that has lingered far too long in the corridors of the Church..."

Head on over to read the rest and find out what the author is talking about!


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