180 movie

The other day my family and I sat down to watch this "180" movie.  Friends had told me to watch it but I had never heard of it and I had no clue how truly astounding and good it would be.  It was better than good.  It showed Biblcial truth on abortion (aka murder) so powerfully and beautifully and brought tears to my eyes.  Not only that, but as people were interviewed and abortion was explained to them in a new light, they started changing their minds...

Pastor and author John Piper had this to say about "180":

“I give my unflinching, joyful, trembling Yes to ‘180. Unflinching, because it's right. Joyful, because it's good. Trembling, because this our defeated enemy is still vicious.”

Please, take 33 minutes and sit down and watch "180".  It's so worth it!


  1. I'm so excited to see this video out and available for anyone to watch now. If you don't know, for a year (or more, maybe) it was password only and you had to ask permission to give the password to someone else. I have good friends who have an uncle who works at Living Waters (the ministry that Ray Comfort, the man who did this video, founded). So through that connection, Ray Comfort heard about my pro-life blog (http://wecantignore.blogspot.com) and sent it to me and my blogging team. I was so bummed when I realized I wouldn't be able to give it to any of our readers because there was no way they would have let me put the password on my blog. But now, it's out there and everyone can watch it (so of course I have a whole page dedicated to it;)) Anyways, thanks for posting this, it's a definite must see!!!

    Love, Aubry

  2. That was so good. Powerful. I just spent the last 30 minutes watching that, and while I was against abortion before, this just made me firmer in my beliefs. It was that good.

  3. Love this movie so much. I actually bought some of the DVD's, and I will be handing them out to strangers to spread the news!


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