Calling all writers, designers, and photographers!

Do you love to use your skills, learn new things, and encourage believers around the world?  Are you passionate about helping others along their journey towards Biblical womanhood?  Then we want you to prayerfully consider joining the volunteer staff of Bloom!.

As you've noticed, our posts on this blog have slowed down significantly over the past few months.  Due to various reasons, including college and such, Jessina has stepped down from the webzine (we'll definitely miss her inspirational writing and sweet presence here, though!).  Megan and Joanna have been busy juggling college classes, jobs, internships, mission trips and injuries.  While we still want to stay involved with this webzine, we've come to realize that we can't contribute to the same extent that we used to. We still have hundreds of readers, and we want to continue to use this platform and stay involved with this community that God has given us.

This is where you come in. We are looking for a few girls in their teens and twenties who would be interested in writing a thoughtful article every once in awhile for Bloom! (details to be arranged).  We are also looking for girls in their teens or twenties to help with the photography and design aspects of the webzine, especially anyone with prior experience in web designing.

If you are interested in applying for this one year commitment to serving with Bloom!, please email a cover letter (which is basically a letter of introduction and why you'd like to join our staff) and two writing/design/photography samples to Please include your age, website/blog (if you have one), and salvation testimony.  If you have any questions, feel free to comment below or send us an email.

We look forward to hearing from you and can't wait to see what our God will do!

Megan and Joanna

(reposted from February 3, 2012)


  1. Hi there! My friend sent me the link for your post (so this is the first I've heard/seen of your site). I'm interested in both photography and writing. Would you be able to give me more details about your site, more details about what such a commitment would involve (for instance, how often would you need someone to post, and would you give them the topics?) and what the main mission of it is, and could you include your own personal testimonies as well? :) Haha, I realize that's quite the request, but I was just wondering if you could explain some more about this :)

  2. Laura,

    Thanks for the note! If you could email us at, we'd love to get in touch with you on more specifics (I'm afraid this would be a gigantic comment otherwise!).

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

    In Jesus' love,

  3. Do you accept freelance articles? I'd love to write for Bloom occasionally, but I don't have time to commit as a volunteer.

  4. Tori,

    We'd love to receive any articles you've written. Simply send them to us at We'll certainly consider using them!

    Also, even if you don't have a lot of time to volunteer, please consider applying anyway - if you're a good fit for Bloom!, perhaps you could write for us less frequently.

    Hope to hear from you soon!

    Keep your eyes on Jesus!


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