new changes

We're really excited about about the new ways the Lord has been showing us to make Bloom! even better and more encouraging.  Over the next weeks, we'll be introducing new sections here on the webzine and look forward to seeing how they inspire you in your walk with Jesus!

As you all know, we posted back in February about needing several girls to help us keep Bloom! flourishing.  After much prayer, several meetings, skype dates, emails, and applications, we're pleased to announce two additions to our volunteer staff here at Bloom!.  We hope and pray that each of you will be blessed, encouraged, and inspired by these girls as Megan and I have.

Introducing Victoria Suich, age 15 - Bloom! intern: Poet and Designer

I'm very excited to have my younger sister, Victoria, join Bloom! Over the years her beautiful poetry has blessed my family and I know the Lord will use it to bless you as well.  Victoria is a joy to be around, quick to cause a smile or play a cheerful song on the piano.  She enjoys art of all sorts - music, painting, design, and theater, to name a few.  I've had the privilege of witnessing first-hand her love for her Savior and an earnest desire to serve Him however.  To help you get to know her a bit better, I asked Victoria a few questions and will post the interview soon.

Introducing Emily Horton, age 16 - Bloom! intern: Photographer and Designer

Emily and I had actually corresponded several times over the past few months.  Just around the time Megan and I were praying about needing several girls join us, Emily sent us an email, offering to serve however needed.  I remember smiling as I saw her offer and realizing she wanted to help and didn't even know that's what needed (as we hadn't posted anything yet)!  As I got to know Emily better - how she came to Christ, her desire to serve and encourage others, and her passion for Christ - the Lord began to impress upon my heart and Megan's heart how He could use her in Bloom!.  I also will interview Emily to aid you in getting to know her better and you'll be seeing that soon.

The heart of Bloom!

Something else we've been thinking of lately is why us?  We're definitely not perfect.  But because of God's beautiful grace, we are able to minister through Bloom! Webzine.  We have many faults, sins, and problems.  We get mad at our little sisters, we're impatient sometimes, we have health problems, struggles and so forth.  We realize we're not perfect examples of Biblical womanhood.  We feel inadequate, but the Lord has been showing us that that's okay - because He delights in using weak, but faithful people (Hebrews 11).  It's because of His grace that we do Bloom!.  We desire to lift Him higher and to come alongside of each of you, our readers, and exhort you to draw closer to Him and to become more of the woman He wants you to be.  That's our heart and that's definitely the heart of Bloom!.

So, readers, if there's ever a question, comment, or concern or such, please don't hesitate to let us know by emailing us.  We would be glad to hear from you and what God is doing in your life!  We also want you to know that because we desire the Lord to guide, encourage, comfort, and bless you, we are daily praying for you.

Together in Jesus' love,

Joanna and Megan


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