Interview with Krista

PhotobucketTell us about your interest in writing started and how it's grown since then.

My interest in writing started when I was in elementary school. My father worked in a company that loved to give away organizers every new year so my mother really encouraged me to start journaling. I kept a journal all throughout high school and started blogging when I was 14. I would write poems and prose with my friends and only started blogging about my relationship with Christ when I moved to college.

 Share with us a time where the Lord really spoke to you.

Last year, Christ spoke to me and placed a desire in my heart to start a Bible study group with some friends and acquaintances who are seeking and attending church, but in need of fellowship and accountability as they learn about the Bible and Christ.

What are some of your favorite things about writing?

I'm not a very talkative person and have always been sort of mellow. With writing, words just take a mind of their own and flow especially with things that we are most passionate about. In this case, the most passion I have in this life is Christ and living for Him.

What is your desire are you write for Bloom!?

My desire for Bloom! is to reach out to young women as they grow in Christ and shine their light to others in their own spheres of influence. I desire to make friends and hear stories of how Christ has been speaking in lives and how life is both hard and a blessing to live for Christ's greater glory.

Thanks so much, Krista!  We feel very blessed and excited to have you on the Bloom! team and look forward to all that the Lord will continue to do!


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