Friday Footprints

Here's a round-up of our favorite links from this month...

Set Apart Girl Magazine

As you may know, we love Leslie Ludy's online magazine and often recommend it.  Once again, we can't resist - the new July/August issue is simply outstanding and very encouraging.  So check it out and get ready to be inspired, refreshed, and encouraged!


The other day a friend of mine and I were on a fun outing when we noticed a broken down car in the parking spot next to us.  My friend kindly asked if the couple would like a cold drink, since it was ninety degrees and quite hot.  The couple was very surprised and thanked us.  We may not have fixed their car problems, but we did a RAOK - random act of kindness - and brightened their day.  Be on the lookout for opportunities that the Lord puts in your path...whether it's a crying child, a lady who needs another dollar for a snack, or a family who needs a kind word.  Although it may be a random act of kindness and you may not know the person, the Lord knows what each person needs and will use your RAOK to bless others!

May the Lord guide your steps, girls!

Joanna, Megan, Krista, Emily & Victoria


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