Where I'm At: Emily

Where am I at? I'm a 2012 homeschool graduate who is still at home. To the world that may look like I'm lazy or perhaps I can't get into college with my scores.  Actually, neither of those are true - I am at home because this is where I feel God wants me at this time. I don't feel called to go to college right now. This thought scares modern culture. Why? Because it's different. It's not what is expected. I am reminded often by the world and those in it, how "dangerous" it is to not go to college right after graduation. "If you don't go now you never will!" I may not, but that might not be God's plan for my life - if it is, He'll tell me. He just hasn't yet. I also hear, "You'll never get married if you just sit at home."  I trust my Heavenly Father with that too.

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” (Jeremiah 17:7-8)

If He wants me to get married, He'll work it out in His time. Not my time and not the world's time. As for college, one day I may go, but not today. Today, I am here. I'm right were God has put me. I'm not sitting here at home doing nothing. I'm learning, growing, and trying to be a light for Him in all things. I fall. I mess up. The good thing is God's always ready to help me get back up!  Like Psalm 94:18 says, "I cried out, “I am slipping!” but your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me.", so I trust God to do the same for me.
One thing I am learning more about is photography. This summer and now this fall I have been blessed with several photography opportunities. These opportunities have challenged me and pushed me to learn more. One thing I have learned is that you can be a light in every situation. Some times it might be a little hard, but most of the time it's a lot easier than you think. It can be as simple as giving God the glory rather than patting yourself on the back. When someone complements something you've done, think of a way you can give God the glory. Jude 1:24-25 reminds me of this, "To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen."  It is much more rewarding to give Him the glory, I promise!

I'm also helping at home with my younger siblings' school. Many find this even more disturbing. My parents have been accused of keeping me from going to college to have me do my siblings' schooling. This is not true. I help when I can, yes. I might take care of the little kids for an hour while Momma teaches the older boys English or I might help my brothers with their math. That's helping out and that's what you do in a family. I enjoy it! Maybe not every second - I might get frustrated at times, but don't we all at some time or another. I feel very blessed to get to spend every day with my family! It's also great for me to work along side my mother as she teaches because I want to be a homeschooling mother too someday.

I've been helping my Daddy lately, too. He is a lawyer and I've been learning to file cases. He's training me as a paralegal. I enjoy going to work with him and feeling like I am able to help him with his work. It may be easy to help your mother - perhaps you wash the dishes or babysit so she can get some work done. Helping Daddy can be harder. So, being able to help file has been a great way for me to feel like I'm helping him. I'm learning more and more every time. Simply put, it's been a blessing and who knows how God will use the skills I'm learning now for the future!

Another project is training my sweet little colt, Bubba. If you have ever worked with a young horse or any horse you know that they can be a great tool that God uses to teach us. Working with Bubba has taught me to slow down and listen. You have to focus on the horse to know what the he is feeling and what he is telling you. In the same way you have to focus on God to know what He is saying. John 10:4 says, "When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice." and helps me remember to listen to my Heavenly Father.  Patience is another big lesson God is teaching me through my colt. I'm not always the most patient person...God's working on that though. Just in the last couple weeks I've been teaching Bubba to load in a trailer. When a colt is scared to do something and you are in a hurry, it can't end well. Usually, the colt ends up even more scared, you are frustrated, and someone probably gets hurt. This can be true in many hasty situations as well - like conversations with loved ones. A lot of times we let our guard down around those we love and end up saying or doing something we don't really mean.

So, where am I at?  I'm learning.  I'm learning skills - everything from photography and training colts to sharing God's love and trusting Him with my future.  I am trusting Him and know that "We can make our own plans, but the Lord gives the right answer." (Proverbs 16:1)  I thank God for every day and pray that I don't waste them.  Each day is a gift!

I pray that this little bit of my story encouraged you in your walk with your Heavenly Father!


  1. Lovely, lovely, lovely Emily! I was so inspired (and I happen to be a horse girl myself-- aren't horses lovely teachers of God's majesty, and patience?).


  2. Thank you for the comment, Sunshine!
    I feel so blessed to have been able to share a little of what God is doing in my life right now. I'm glad that it encouraged you. You are very right about horses. They are one of God's gifts to us! :) Hope you have a blessed week!

    In Him,


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