Where I'm At: Krista


There are probably more than a handful ways for me to experience frustration. I get frustrated when a painting doesn’t turn out right, especially when I’ve spent hours transferring an abstract visual in my head onto blank canvas with a variety of colors. I get frustrated when I eat all the yellow and green skittles candies - because they’re the only flavors I like. I get frustrated when I lose a favorite set of earrings or if I somehow add too much spices on to my cooking. I get frustrated when I read a book and the ending was quite different from how I was imagining it. There are obviously a myriad of ways that can get me frustrated, and these reasons range from the silly to real heart-stopping moments wherein you start gazing at the stars and wish you knew half of what was going on or how things would end.

Currently, I am a preschool teacher/child development major who is moving towards a degree in special education. There are things I am hopeful for and things that I wait for, but recent events have caused me to close my eyes, sigh and ask God to touch my questioning heart. Why do I have to wait longer, Lord? Countless others are not even doing it Your way and all this faulty reasoning floods my brain. In truth though, God has the plans and He holds the key to my future.

There was also something current that I went through, one that involved a lot of talking with more spiritually mature brothers and sisters and one that involved bareing my heart and soul to God. It involved stripping away all the insecurities, the fear and scars and replacing it with Christ-centered discernment, patience and wisdom. Despite things not working out how I hope, I find hope in this - the God who began a good work is faithful to complete it (Phil. 1:6). I do want to get married someday, but I constantly pray that my fervor for Christ never fades even if I do make space for some changes in my life so that I can glorify Him more.

So how can I respond with godliness when facing delays and disappointment? It is very important that our hearts are wholly focused on Christ. It can be something as small as thinking of what to do for the day, or something as big as trusting him with my future address, marital commitment and future children. Matthew 6:33 says “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things will be added unto you.” It is a reminder that when dealing with delays and disappointment, our focus must still be on God and His kingdom.  And all the other things? Well, He will deal with and address them because His ways are higher.


  1. This is what I have been thinking about lately! Thanks for posting. :)

    1. You're welcome, Kara. God sees much more than we do and that is humbling because he is still patient with us

  2. So true Krista. I'm loving Steven Curtis Chapman's song 'Broken' at the moment. We were like a glass vase thrown on the ground, but Jesus picked us up and is making us into something new, whole, and beautiful.

    We can trust him with everything, although it is hard.

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    2. I agree Jess. It's not easy to trust him and I struggle with that too. It's a great reminder that he goes before us and is our rock and stronghold. Jesus is the only one who's able to make something so beautiful that glorifies God from something do broken, so rebellious and so imperfect.


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