Biblical Womanhood:He Made Us to Be Free

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Biblical Womanhood: He Made Us to Be Free

The Dresser
My dress was made of ragged faith,
Its edges trimmed with little grace,
And weaved throughout were jagged threads
Of fabricated “patience”,
Whose cold, coarse color seemed quite dead
To life, and built a sturdy fence
To shut out hope and love.
I marched on a path that looked straight,
But curved in ways I couldn’t see,
Until it seemed it was too late,
And I saw that it wasn’t me,
But a stiff girl with a broken soul
Who wasn’t to be told she was shattered,
When she thought that she was whole.

The Submitter
I walked the road of weariness,
I believed I had to be
A blade of grass in the blowing wind,
Swaying like the rocking sea,
Heeding to each person’s whim,
But never looking back at Me.
I didn’t understand that the Lord
Was all about love, and not fear,
About helping when it’s right,
About grace, and not tears.

The Unequal
I didn’t recognize
We are all made after Him,
I didn’t realize
That each of us will win
When we follow God’s goal
To love Him faithfully,
To reach out to each broken soul.
I believed that I was not as good
But I misunderstood
What was really only
Being different.

God made both men and women
To show His love to all,
And each He made to be ready
To answer His holy call.
He made us to be strong,
To live in victory,
To hope with joyful song,
He made us to be free.


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