Where I'm At: Megan

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Right now, I'm eating lunch at my desk: A perfectly-sized cubicle that I almost immediately decorated within an inch of its life.

Today, I'm sitting in the place I couldn't imagine nine months ago. Nine months ago, I wrote about entering my senior year of college and all the prayers and pressures and winding paths that went with it.

Today, I look back and I see faithfulness - and I'm so grateful. It was an amazing year with new adventures and deepened relationships; my Bible study girls grew in their relationships with God and each other; two of my friend came to Christ and several more are asking questions. And nothing felt quite so good as hitting that gong when I turned in my senior honors thesis. Actually, I hit it so enthusiastically, I knocked it off the table. Oops.

A big question mark throughout all of last school year was my job and where I would live. Entry-level positions in public relations agencies are very competitive, and few agencies find the need to hire over the summer, because they have interns. (But you can apply to be an intern!....again). I confess that I did worry; it was hard to not be able to plan for the next season or literally the next month because I didn't know what state I'd be living in. I should mention that agencies also try to fill positions immediately, so you can't really get hired until right around the time you graduate.

And yet, in spite of my worries, God gifted me with a great job a whole month before graduation. I've now been here a month, and I'm grateful for all the little things that I didn't think to ask for, but make a big difference to me - like a company culture that is affirmative, and team members who are friendly and offer support when you make mistakes.

But in looking back and seeing how God has answered prayers for me and my friends this year, I think He's challenging me to trust him more, to pray bigger and bolder. He loves to partner with us and work through our prayers.

You can't pray the wrong prayer. He'll say yes if it's in his will and it's the best. And if he says no - it's still better that you trusted him enough to ask, right? Right.

So now I find myself in another place where I'm starting to put down roots, and there are several bends in the path that I can't see behind. I'm so grateful to be here. But I'm also going to start praying bigger prayers, praying expectantly, looking for the ways He'll show up.

What has God been placing on your heart lately?


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