Remembering Jesus at Christmas

 Remembering Jesus at Christmas by Krista Rodriguez

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Malls and various retail establishments have been playing Christmas carols since October. People have started walking more hurriedly than usual and traffic seems to rival that of a snail’s pace. On the other hand, we hear carols and bells chiming more often and our noses easily pick up yummy baking scents – gingerbread, hazelnuts and peppermint. Admittedly, Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year. While there are plentiful reasons for that – the cooler weather, the beautiful hymns and carols, holiday cooking and getting to see people I love – it definitely is my favorite because of Jesus.

That sounds so perfect, doesn’t it? I love Christmas because of Jesus. I sing Christmas carols, bake almond biscottis for neighbors and give hot sandwiches to the homeless. I also indulge in holiday decorating and plan many cooking stints in the kitchen. I stress and grow impatient waiting in lines and forget the real reason for Christmas. I start focusing on doing good deeds and less on worshipping our Savior. Yes, I’m guilty of falling prey to the sales and the to-do-lists and the good tidings and good cheer part. My heart definitely strays from celebrating the real meaning of Christmas – that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin in a little town of Bethlehem in order to save us from eternal death.  I cannot stop myself from smiling and having an overwhelming gratefulness while typing that sentence just now. 

Jesus, Lord of heaven and earth, was born as a baby in a manger in a dingy place surrounded by animals, in order to love us and follow the will of the Father.

He wasn’t born in the middle of Times Square with a parade to celebrate, surrounded by party revelers. 

He wasn’t born in the biggest mansion or palace to grace the whole world. 

His birth wasn’t on the cover of a tabloid and His birth didn’t sell stories. 

However, it was still cause to celebrate – there were angels who announced His birth to shepherds in the field and there was a star that guided wise men exactly to the stable. There were gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh that were given to Him by wise and intellectual men of good earthly standing. Lastly, His birth is written in the Bible and stands as a fulfillment of prophecies that would lead to us having a Savior and having a chance to be reunited with God.

How can we remember Jesus during Christmas? It is by examining our hearts and aligning them with God and the Bible. It is by loving God and our neighbor. It is allowing the continual work of the Spirit in our hearts and obeying His Word daily. It is in finding ways to love Him and grow closer to Him. It is by realizing that our celebration is not limited for December but extends throughout the rest of the year, and since we are believers, the rest of our lives. Now, that’s a cause for celebration!

 For to us a child is born, 
to us a son is given;
and the government shall be upon his shoulder, 
and his name shall be called 
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, 
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

 -Isaiah 9:6 ESV

Dear Bloom! readers, How do you celebrate Christmas? How has Christ taught you to celebrate more of Him in your Christmas, in your year? We’d love to hear what God is also teaching you!


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