Christmas favorites

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It's almost Christmas Day and we thought it would be fun and encouraging to share some questions and answers from several of our Bloom! staff about Christmastime!  Enjoy!


What's your favorite Christmas tradition and why?

The Christmas Eve service at our church.  It's special to me because we sing Christmas carols together and we light each other's candles and sing "Silent Night" at the end.  This is often a time when the reality of Jesus' birth sets in.

Share with us a favorite Christmas movie or song and why you love it.

One of my favorite Christmas songs is "O Holy Night."  It's awesome because the chorus calls people to remember the holiness of Jesus' birth and to still realize the specialness of each Christmas that follows.


How do you focus on Christ during Christmas, especially when it's so easy to get caught up in the festivities?

Service!  Just as we talked about recently, I try to keep Christ the center of Christmas when I remember to serve others just as He did.  I find that if I start focusing on myself and what I need or want, my attention drifts and suddenly, I realize that I'm being self-focused and selfish!  Definitely not what I want at Christmastime (or anytime, for that matter!).  So I've found that the best way to make sure I celebrate Jesus, His amazing faithfulness and goodness in my life is to make sure I'm outwardly focused, putting others' needs above my own.


How do you focus on Christ during Christmas, especially when it's so easy to get caught up in the festivities?

In my family, our Bible study revolves around the prophecy of Christ's birth as well as His birth during the month of December. Another wonderful way to stay focused is by having a daily advent service with your family. Advent is a big part of my family's Christmas season.

Share with us a favorite Christmas movie or song and why you love it.
I absolutely love, "While You Were Sleeping" by Casting Crowns. The song speaks such truth about the first and second coming of Christ. While it is a sad statement of humanity, it is a statement that needs to be heard. Check it out here! Will we be sleeping?

Ladies, may you be blessed and refreshed as you celebrate Jesus - all that He's done and Who He is - this Christmas.  We'll be back on the 29th with more!

Merry Christmas!
Joanna, Megan, Krista, Emily & Victoria


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