Valentine's Day Card Challenge

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Dear Sisters,

As Valentine's Day approaches, what better way to share love than to share God's amazing love with imprisoned children in Uganda!  One Sister in Christ, Crista Moriah, has a passion to share Christ with these precious and often neglected children and is inviting us to join her.  The goal?  To have 1,4000 cards sent by Valentine's Day.  Here's how you can be a part of this amazing opportunity:

1) Make simple card(s) with the Scripture John 3:16 and a personal note from you.  You can also include "Jesu Okwagala" which is Lugandan for "Jesus loves you".

2) Write "Valentine Card Challenge" on the back of the envelope and mail your card(s) to:

Sixty Feet Inc.
2451 Cumberland Parkway
Suite 3526
Atlanta, GA

3) In order to keep a count of the number of cards sent, please comment on Crista's blog post here with the number of cards you mailed.

4) Pray!  Pray that each card would bless a child, that they would see the love of Christ through the card, and come to know the One who loves them so and died and rose again for them.

For more information, visit Crista's blog.

Let's join together, Sisters, and let these sweet children know that we love them and more importantly, that our Jesus loves them too and that He is offering forgiveness, grace, and redemption that can only come from Him!


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