Top Ten Reads this Summer

Looking for some new books to delve into this summer?  We've got good news - we have ten encouraging and inspiring reads for you!

1.  Sacred Singleness by Leslie Ludy:  In my opinion, this is the most helpful and inspiring read on the topic of singleness.  Leslie takes the topic and shines light on it with Scriptural truths.  She shows that instead of bemoaning over the fact that you haven't found "the one" yet, you should instead be focusing on "the One" who gave His very life and blood for you.  I love this book - it causes me to take my focus off of myself and puts it where it belongs - on Jesus.

2.  Stepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss: Megan actually introduced me to this book years ago,  I believe, and it's been a favorite ever since.  If you want to read fiction, check out Stepping Heavenward.  Follow 16-year-old Kate as she journeys from a teenager to adult and seeks to discover what it really means to live a more godly and worthwhile life for Christ.

3.  And the Word Came with Power by Joanne Shetler with Patricia Purvis: A friend from church told me about this book and I'm so glad she did.  Journey with Joanne Shetler as she enters a village in the Phillipines with the purpose of translating God's Word into the local language.  A very exciting and inspiring read as you see how God is working around the globe!  Also a great book to help you understand what it's like for the Bible to be translated into another language and how important it really is for it to be in the people's heart language.

4.  Let Me Be a Woman by Elisabeth Elliot:  I had to include a few books from Elisabeth Elliot for two reasons: 1) because we just posted about Elisabeth here and 2) because her books are simply so good and worthwhile.  In Let Me Be a Woman, Elisabeth shares Scriptural principles about being a woman after God's heart in her classic, graceful style.

5.  God Gave Us Love by Lisa Tawn Bergren: I know, it's a kids book but hey, you probably have younger siblings or if not, you can read it to the kids you babysit.  Be sure to take advantage of this great book that shares about God's love in a way youngsters can understand.  Plus, it's Biblically sound and the illustrations are pretty fun too!

6.  Passion and Purity by Elisabeth Elliot:  Elisabeth shares her love story with Jim in this classic book.  I love Elisabeth because she's not afraid to call things how they are, but she does so in a graceful and loving manner.  She also shares some of her own struggles and victories from her courtship with Jim.  Passion and Purity is such an encouraging and thought-provoking read on the topic of love and relationships.

7.  The Heavenly Man by Brother Yun with Paul Hattaway:  What an incredible testimony of God working in the underground church in China!  I could not put this book down.  Brother Yun has such a sweet spirit in Christ, even in the midst of persecution, beatings and imprisonment.  Read this book!

8.  Erasing Hell by Francis Chan and Preston Sprinkle: If you're looking for a book that's easy to read but is theologically sound and about what the Bible really says about heaven and hell, check this one out.  Francis Chan and Preston Sprinkle do a spectacular job of going to the Word, showing what God really says about eternity and what we made up as mere humans.

9.  Alone Yet Not Alone by Tracy Michelle Leininger:  Growing up, this was one of my all-time favorite reads.  Tracy does a fabulous job telling the story of her ancestors, Barbara and Regina, who were kidnapped by Indians back in the 1700s and how God used the song "Alone Yet Not Alone" in their captivity.  Both Barbara and Regina, though separated by their captors, cling to God's promise that He will never leave them.  There's also a beautiful movie released with the same title about the sisters and it's such a great movie showcasing God's faithfulness.

10.  Hearts of Fire by Voice of the Martyrs:  This book is a collection of stories of eight women around the world who passionately love Christ and are making Him known.  A beautiful picture of what it means to be poured out for Christ and love others, even in the midst of intense persecution.

Happy reading!  Feel free to comment with other favorites, as we always love to discover new and encouraging titles!


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