Tales from Taiwan #15

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Dear sisters,

Some days life here in Taiwan can be kinda normal, kinda mundane.  At least it feels like it to me!  I teach, I eat, I sleep - then I do it all again the next day.  God is teaching me to be faithful in the every day kind of things.  Recently I've been going through a book called Experiencing God.  I've done it before but felt like it would be really beneficial and encouraging to do it again.  I've been reading about how God speaks to us and delights to work through us to be His hands and feet, whether in big ways or small ways.  It also shares how it's important to pray for God to give us opportunities to serve - and then actually be alert for when those opportunities appear.

Like last Saturday when my friend and I were biking home.  We came to a stoplight and noticed a lady on her moped across the street who seemed to be doubling over in pain.  Her shoe was in the middle of the road.  We felt like we should go see if we could help so we crossed the street and found out she had been hit by a car.  Her ankle was swollen hugely and part of a bone was protruding out, so she was unable to dismount the moped.  Thankfully the car driver was still there and together along with the help of another stranger, we were able to move her moped to the side of the street.  We stayed with the injured lady for awhile until help came, praying as we made sure she was still conscious (a few times I was sure she would collapse or faint from the pain, but God kept her upright!).

Looking back now, I can see how God arranged everything just right so we would be at that traffic light at that time to help the lady.  He gave us the opportunity to be His hands and feet that day and I'm so glad we were alert and open to His promptings.  That's my prayer as I finish out this school year here, that I will continue to look around me and see ways that He is calling me to share His love and truth with these people I love.  It's incredible seeing Him work and this quote by Mother Teresa seems to sum up my prayer for the rest of this semester:

"I'm a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world."

For Him in Taiwan,


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