Book Review: Children of the Storm

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Children of the Storm is an autobiography of Natasha Vins.  I didn't know any background on the book when I picked it up to read so I wasn't sure what to expect.  What I found in the pages was a true account of persecution in Russia in the 1960s and 1970s.  The unwavering faith of these Brothers and Sisters in Christ is soul-stirring and spirit-uplifting!  Even as a child, Natasha is persecuted for her faith and stands strong in the midst of it all.

I found myself flying through the pages of Children of the Storm without even meaning to do so.  It was just a natural response as I read of God's incredible faithfulness and miracles that were happening in Russia during intense persecution and war.  Natasha's father becomes a leader in the underground church movement and is imprisoned for his faith.  At one point, Natasha's grandmother is also put in prison for her faith in Christ.  Through it all, the Vins family remains committed to Christ and sharing Him with others, despite the risk of being imprisoned themselves.  Natasha becomes involved with the underground printing press, printing Christian literature and Bibles for her fellow people who often are without.

One of the many encouraging things about this book is the fact that Natasha and her husband Alexander are continuing to spread the Gospel in Russia.  They are carrying on her father's vision to share Christ with his countrymen.  You can find out more on their website!

If you're looking to learn more about the unwavering faith of our Russian Brothers and Sisters, then Children of the Storm is definitely for you!  You'll be taken along on a journey of pain, joy and challenges and finish the last page with praise for the Savior on your lips.  To me, that's the best kind of book!


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