Friday Footprints

Where have we been on the web recently?  Here's a few of our favorites:

8 Ways to Be a Witness at Work
This article written by a 17-year-old is excellent and right on.  Have a job and wondering how to be salt and light for Christ?  Check out this post by Haley Seba!

Clip with a Purpose for Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
That time of the year is coming up again - packing shoeboxes to send around the world and share the Gospel with children!  Do you remember Alina's story from a few years ago?  A shoebox can change a life!  Take a look at this website, Clip with a Purpose, that gives you the heads up on various deals and coupons for shoebox items.

In His love,
Joanna, Megan, Krista, Emily & Victoria


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