Movie Review: Alone Yet Not Alone

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Title: Alone Yet Not Alone
Rating: PG-13

How it rates (1=lowest, 5=highest): 5

Produced by: Enthuse Entertainment

Synopsis:  From the movie website:  Seeking religious freedom in America, a devout Christian family from Germany settles in the peaceful Pennsylvania colony - only to find themselves caught in the crossfire of the French & Indian War.  Following a merciless raid on their settlement, daughters Barbara and Regina are abducted, separated, then raised by their Delaware captors in the harsh Ohio wilderness.  Now, only their devotion to each other and faith in the Lord can lead them through  their darkest hours and back to freedom in this inspirational true story.
Language:  None.

The Good: There's so much good about this movie I'm not sure where to start.  The movie is true to history, showing the struggles of the French and Indian War in a realistic way.  The Leininger family is shown as a caring and loving family.  Faith in Christ is the strength  that Barbara and Regina turn to in their distress.
The Bad: The movie is based on a true story about one family in the 18th century as they face death, abuse and kidnapping.  The movie doesn't hide this, so please be cautious about kids watching it, as it may be too much for them to take and understand.  
 The Spiritual:  Joni Eareckson Tada sings the theme song of the movie and if you haven't heard it yet, see it here!  The fact that it's a true story and portrays Barbara and Regina's faith in Jesus in a beautiful way is inspiring.  Their parents taught them well growing up, pointing them to the Book so that when they are kidnapped, their faith in Christ is secure.  They know that though it feels like they are alone, they aren't really alone.
The Verdict:  I grew up reading Alone Yet Not Alone by Tracy Leininger Craven, descendant of Barbara and Regina.  Their incredible story of believing they weren't alone because God was with them is one that greatly encouraged me in my faith in Christ.  To see the trailer and find out more, check out the movie's website!
-- by Joanna Suich, Bloom! writer


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