Tales from Taiwan #20

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Dear sisters,

There's this little boy named Cody* (name changed) that I see every week.  And every week I never know what to expect from this mischievous fireball.   Cody specializes in grand entrances to class and I never know what it'll be...somersaults, an elephant, sirens or a sprint to tackle the teacher (me!).  Then one minute he's happily coloring and the next he's trying to give me a kiss because he put my Set game cards down the toilet.  

If I ever wonder if this is really making a difference or doing any good at all, God uses what happened next to show me that the answer is a definite YES:

Recently after Cody had misbehaved, I wanted to talk to him but he's a fast fella and I couldn't catch him (hey, I run half-marathons, not sprints!).  I prayed about it and then continued on with helping the other kids.  

After our class was over and I was walking through the building, I spotted Cody.  I walked up, knelt down and asked him if I could talk with him for a minute.  To my surprise, he agreed.  After we finished, he said "Teacher, I will try to be better next week!"  I really couldn't believe he said that.  Cody never says things like that.  He gave me a hug and smiled big.  He's changing.  Slowly, ever so slowly but goodness, it's change either way!  In my eyes, that's big.

God keeps working and working on these little hearts and on mine too.  Maybe it's the small changes and small seeds that often lead to the greatest and most beautiful things after all.  Maybe it's the countless hours and the dirty fingers and tight hugs and my card game in the toilet and ABCs mastered and the joy of Jesus that brings this all in to focus.  

No matter where in the world you are, no matter what season of life God has you in, no matter what you're facing today, may God bring it in to focus for you.

After all, it's all about Jesus.

For Him in Taiwan,


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