Summer Opportunities

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Does summer always seem to fly by for you?  It's hard to believe that it's already mid April and school will be letting out soon.  For me, summertime always seems to speed by and the next thing I know, autumn is around the corner.   So this summer, I want to encourage you to take advantage of the extra free time that often comes along with the season.  While it's wonderful to be able to do things you enjoy like swimming, painting, or reading, don't let your activities rule your summer.  Take some time to share God's love in a powerful way by serving others.  You have the time, so get involved!  The following is a list of opportunities to consider:  

~ get involved in Vacation Bible School
~ help out in your local church
~ go on a mission trip (if you're looking for a longer term mission trip for 11 months, check out VOICE Missions!)
~ visit the elderly in a nursing home
~ help family and friends - clean the house, babysit, prepare a picnic
~ do random acts of kindness

Why not pick one or two (or come up with your own ideas) and use the time and gifts the Lord has given you to encourage and help others in His name?  It's definitely worth it because when we serve others, that means we're serving the Lord.  Scripture says in Colossians 3:23-24, "Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance.  It is the Lord Christ whom you serve."

Here at Bloom! we talk about how we're on a journey towards Biblical womanhood.  One of the ways to grow in this is to get out of your comfort zone and serve others.  Maybe you're a bit scared of doing Vacation Bible School or visiting a nursing home.  That's okay.  It's not just you that's serving anyway - it's Christ working through you!  So take courage, dear girls, and step out of your comfort zone.  Not only will others be blessed by your actions, but you'll be blessing the King of kings.  And that is something wonderful indeed!

So what are you waiting for?  Go share His love!

-- from the archives


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