Tales from Taiwan #22

Dear Sisters,

Thursday night while I was volunteering at the rescue home, I asked one of my boys, Liam* (name changed) how his summer was.  I expected him to smile and answer with all the fun things he had gotten to do.  Instead Liam sobered and said quietly that his dad had passed away.
The kids who live at this home are rescued from abusive, unhealthy or dangerous situations.  Some are orphans and some have family.  They rarely talk about the family they do have, usually because they've been extremely hurt by them.  But no matter what, I've found that family is still family and more than anything, that's what these kids long for - loving, healthy, safe families.  

I told Liam I would be praying for him and his family.  He stopped, looked up at me and asked me if I really would pray for them.  After I reassured him that I really would, he smiled and said he would pray for his family too.  What a moment of beautiful, childlike faith!  

Liam's simple "You said it, so I believe it" faith is something I want to keep in my heart too.  May we all keep that childlike faith and say, "Okay, Jesus, You've said it, so I believe it!"

For Him in Taiwan,


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